Thursday, 11 March 2010

In the beginning

So what happens here? This is my personal blog where i will take you on an adventure of mystery, revelations and in some cases telnet into my shenanigans. I will be focusing on my network labs by telling you what Ive been configuring, why and results. What new tech is out there and how can it be applied. Upcoming blogs for your eyes!

  • my massive mpls lab
build a good size mpls cloud (8 cisco 2811's?) with redundant paths
observe ldp, label popping pushing swapping, PHP
experiment with EXP field
mpls on layer 3 switches
  • Qos extraordinaire
Qos is a fascinating is. There is layer 2 and 3 Cos and Tos fields to play with, there is queueing techniques, bandwidth considerations, voip codecs, voip VAD(when there is silence doesn't need to send data), voip playback delay, header compression a zillion other voip things.
  • The almighty campus network
I love working on layer 3 switches there are a remarkable building block. Its a switch which means lots of ports, lots of bandwidth, massive backplane, its capable of logically separating segments with vlans and aggregating links together! Then they go and stick a 'router' inside it. Applaud the amazing switch that can route at wire speed! plus all the other router functions.
  • security
no matter what i do I'm always on the defensive, looking at security problems and solutions. I will put my white trilby on and get the friendly neighborhood backtrack distribution out to aid the pursuit of backdoors.
That is just a sneak preview of things to come. This blog is open for comments, i want to hear what you think about what I'm doing or what you have done or general feedback.


1 comment:

shibly ibrahim said...

Nice stuff bro... Good luck... waiting to see more from you. :-)